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I have said it before, and I’ll say it again. Or rather, I have quoted him before, and I will quote him again. Patrick Lencioni, author of 5 Dysfunctions of a team, says “If everything is important, then nothing is important.” It’s one of...
What a week! Schools are doing the hokey cokey. They’re in, they’re out, just waiting for orders to shake it all about. Everyone is back at home, needing a piece of you — the pressure to be everything to everyone and fulfil your professional obligations is...
Lets face it, there’s still time for this year to take a nosedive, we’ve still got a whole month left, but I’ve hedged my bets and put together a list of the lessons 2020 gifted us. Obviously when I say gift, it’s the socks from grandma or lump of coal in the...
Leadership is shouldering the responsibility for more than your own share of the load. Leadership means others look to you to make decisions, to provide guidance, to inspire and to make the tough calls. It’s a complicated and often heavy burden to...
Perfectionism, worn by some as a badge of honour or signal of virtue for others. But for many it’s a crippling habit that makes us second guess everything we do and doubt our abilities. Perfectionism is like driving with the handbrake on and prevents...
June is done, and many of us are working towards our big summer break, but is the thought of trying to get three weeks’ work done in one week before you go on holiday filling you with dread? A sun lounger somewhere hot has your name on it, but you need to work...