What are the new challenges facing leadership teams?

What are the new challenges facing leadership teams?

In March 2020 the UK came to a halt, leaving businesses adjusting their usual way of working to a virtual world of back to back meetings. The “new normal” quickly became a ritual of zoom links, passwords, camera on/off, “am I on mute” meetings and...
How to boost your confidence without faking it

How to boost your confidence without faking it

Everyone wants to feel or be seen as confident. We equate confidence with success. If you’re not confident, how can you be successful? Recent events may mean your confidence has taken a battering recently. Or maybe you thrive under pressure, and you’ve found your...
The One Quality Every Leader Needs And It’s Not What You Think

The One Quality Every Leader Needs And It’s Not What You Think

Are you feeling the pressure to step up and show leadership? These are circumstances we could never have been prepared or trained for. The emotional load is huge. What I am seeing right now is leaders that are taking over responsibility for other people. They are...
Why Trust Should Be On The Top Of Your Agenda

Why Trust Should Be On The Top Of Your Agenda

Relationships don’t work without trust.  You have a relationship with every single person you know to some extent or another.  To co-exist in a society where every person is able to contribute and fulfill the role to which they have been assigned we have relationships...

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