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Overwhelmed, firefighting and a never-ending to-do list? Procrastination, can’t think straight and no time to do the strategic stuff? Sound familiar? And isn’t it ironic that you THINK you don’t have the time to address the...
We know that collective resilience has been more than tested and one year on despite seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, more and more clients are telling me that their teams are on the edge. As organisations start to recover from the lost opportunities from...
What if I told you that the 10-minute window at your virtual parents evening was a mini-course in how to facilitate dynamic and meaningful and performance reviews? How would you like to turn your micro meeting about phonics or GCSE option choices, into at least...
What a week! Schools are doing the hokey cokey. They’re in, they’re out, just waiting for orders to shake it all about. Everyone is back at home, needing a piece of you — the pressure to be everything to everyone and fulfil your professional obligations is...
In March 2020 the UK came to a halt, leaving businesses adjusting their usual way of working to a virtual world of back to back meetings. The “new normal” quickly became a ritual of zoom links, passwords, camera on/off, “am I on mute” meetings and...