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You’re ambitious and keen to prove yourself. You have delivered in your roles – consistently. You are now ready to show what you’re capable of and lead a team to do the same. Maybe you are a seasoned people manager and have been crying out for some...
What a week! Schools are doing the hokey cokey. They’re in, they’re out, just waiting for orders to shake it all about. Everyone is back at home, needing a piece of you — the pressure to be everything to everyone and fulfil your professional obligations is...
In March 2020 the UK came to a halt, leaving businesses adjusting their usual way of working to a virtual world of back to back meetings. The “new normal” quickly became a ritual of zoom links, passwords, camera on/off, “am I on mute” meetings and...
What is a “silo mentality”? The term “silo” is a business buzzword that has been thrown around for a number of years. But what does it actually mean and why should you care? The dictionary definition and the original meaning of silo has agricultural roots....
Even as a leader you can be affected by game playing in the office. It could be a team leader or a boss who is undermining you or taking credit for your work. If you are the victim of game playing in the office, you may be feeling stressed and distressed. The...
Expensive team building activities can be a complete waste of money because they don’t address the real problems teams face. A lovely day out of the office participating in things such as a cooking class, bowling or building a raft provides a short-term bonding...