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By agreeing to sign up to this free guide, you also agree to receive marketing emails from Jocowlin.com. You can opt out of these emails at any time. We will not share or sell your personal information. You can unsubscribe at any time.
If only I could arrive with my clients in such a style! Thinking back to when I landed in a field in Headcorn brave enough to jump solo with a static line, it probably wouldn’t be my most elegant entrance. All jokes aside, I have metaphorically parachuted...
I am seeing a lot of change in organisations right now. Not just the usual organisational change that we have all come to expect, but the ripple effect of the 180-degree spin due to the pandemic. Yep, it’s the gift that keeps on giving. I have 4 clients moving...
This month I had planned to write about routine and structure and all the things that September brings us. I was probably going to write about the transition we find ourselves in at this time of year. Nature reflects many lessons to us, and the beginning of Autumn...
Over the past month, I have been privileged to work with several young people in one way or another. Youths can get a bad rap, whether it is on the local community Facebook page (yes, Pam we know YOU didn’t hang around the co-op in your day) or in conversation...
Connection became a big thing when the pandemic hit. Only it didn’t really. The chimes of ‘let’s stay connected as a team’ could be heard across the land. Then came the multiple channels of communication. Teams, Zoom, WhatsApp,...
What does the word ‘accountability’ conjure up for you? Does it prompt you to spread your peacock tail and step up to the plate? Or does it send you into an internal spin and trigger a child-like response that feels like you will be told...