How to beat the Autumn blues

How to beat the Autumn blues

Is the change in seasons making you down? There appear to be two camps when it comes to Autumn. There are people like me that absolutely love it. I love the familiarity of a fresh start in September that is anchored from my fond memories of starting a new school term....
Three things guaranteed to build your confidence today

Three things guaranteed to build your confidence today

“The view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life. It can determine whether you become the person you want to be and whether you accomplish the things you value” Carol Dweck Confidence is essentially self -efficacy plus...
4 steps to supercharge your goals

4 steps to supercharge your goals

Our intention creates our reality”- Wayne Dyer Goal setting is something we often associate with the beginning of a cycle whether its a new year, new month, new week or even the start of a new role or project. So why am I talking about goals in May? I...
Why confidence has nothing to do with being an extrovert

Why confidence has nothing to do with being an extrovert

Confidence has NOTHING to do with being an extrovert. There I said it. So relieved to get that off my chest. It’s something that has been bugging me for a while and more recently I have heard so many people pigeonhole extroverts as confident and introverts as...

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