How to Deal with Game Playing at Work

How to Deal with Game Playing at Work

Even as a leader you can be affected by game playing in the office. It could be a team leader or a boss who is undermining you or taking credit for your work.  If you are the victim of game playing in the office, you may be feeling stressed and distressed. The...
How do I escape the perpetual cycle of fire fighting at work?

How do I escape the perpetual cycle of fire fighting at work?

All too often, corporate culture perpetuates a cycle of burnout amongst its leaders, which leads to the inevitable consequence of fire fighting. This is when an individual deals with unexpected problems using temporary solutions, instead of spending time and effort to...
The myths of work-life balance

The myths of work-life balance

Is the business of life passing you by? As a leader are you missing the things on your doorstep that are important to you? We have passed the point of midwinter and the days are finally start to get lighter. The time between Christmas and New Year is a great time to...
Stop playing the blame game

Stop playing the blame game

As a society, we love to blame anyone or anything else for our problems. We blame our partners, ex’s, parents, and kids. We also point the finger at employers, friends, the government, society and even God! We blame others because it lets us off the hook. It’s easy....
Is it OK to lose your sh*t?

Is it OK to lose your sh*t?

This is a great question to contemplate. I was asked this at a recent workshop I was facilitating. I think it would be mad to think that we can go through life without losing our sh*t. We are human and the pressures of work and family life can get simply too much....

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